by Brad Minus | Mar 5, 2013 |
Unfortunately, the triathlon season started on a tragic note this past weekend at the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. Not long after diving into the frigid 50-degree waters of the San Francisco Bay, 46-year-old Ross Ehlinger, from Austin, Texas, suffered a fatal heart attack despite the heroic attempts made by the San Francisco EMS.
Unfortunately, Ehilnger was not the first to die of heart problems in the open water swim portion of the
triathlon. Deaths have been on the increase in triathlons and the vast majority of them occurring during the open water swim leg. This post is not intended to scare into never swimming in open water or ever competing in triathlons, but provide information about the precautions to prevent these types of accidents from occurring.
1. Check yourself: If there is knowledge of health and/or heart problems or genetic predisposition to cardiac irregularities, get cleared by a physician before starting a training program and then again before racing. An EKG(Electrocardiogram) will depict any irregularities that may be cause for concern.
2. Warm up: Enter the water before the start to acclimate to the water temperature. If it is not an option, do jumping jacks, push-ups or jump squats to get the blood pumping.
Prior Wetsuit Swimming: If this is the initial open swim in a wetsuit, make sure to get some
experience swimming in it to understand its somewhat constricting feel. Even a few laps in the pool helps.
4. Practice in open water: Open water swimming is very different from swimming in a pool and can be quite frightening It is therefore important to get some experience in open water; it might help unburden the uneasiness and nerves. Make sure to swim with others and there is a lifeguard nearby.
5. Work on the mental game prior to the next open water triathlon. There are a lot of things people tend to stress about, but with a little mental preparation, most situations that appear will not come as a surprise and can be dealt with.
These are a few small details I have gathered from Kevin Koskella,
Tri Swim Coach, which are mostly common sense, at least to most triathletes, but if it can help one athlete be more prepared, I will quote Kevin and every other swim coach until my fingers fall off. (Then I’ll use my toes, and then my tongue.)
There have been deaths surrounding not just triathlon, but marathons and other endurance races as well. In my opinion it comes to preparedness. Evaluating skill, fitness and injury should take president over our ‘Go Hard or Go Home’ attitude.
Of course after the evaluation is complete and the fear of finishing has been quelled, ‘GHGH’ is a great mind frame.
“Just don’t DO IT…Do It RIGHT!”
Carpe Viam!
by Brad Minus | Oct 24, 2012 |
The Revolution 3 Florida 70.3 is 5 days away and I feel like I am still working out pretty hard for this “so called” taper week. The workouts are shorter in duration but a little more intense. Yesterday’s workout ended up being a 4 mile tempo run on Bayshore.
I started, as always with a warm-up of Dave Scott drills, ballistic stretches, high knees, hamstring leg-ups, booty kickers and bounders. My main set consisted of a 1 mile run at an 8:15 minute mile, Four 3 minute sprints with 45 seconds rest in between, and another 1 mile run at 7:45. I cooled down with my usual routine of 50 walking lunges, 50 monkey lunges, 50 squats, 50 crab walks and static stretches. Does that sounds like taper week to you? At the time I didn’t, but afterward I understood. I was fatigued to a point where I was recovering fast, but I felt like I could do more. I am not sure if it will actually do anything for me as far as strength or speed, but it did boost my confidence, which was just fine with me.
Bayshore Tuesday Morning |
This morning (Wednesday), I looked at my plan and an expletive was about to come through my mouth for two reasons; a) I didn’t sleep well the night before, and b) I really thought this was taper week. As I perused the scheduled butt kicking I was about to give myself, I realized I might have been wrong. Here was my bike trainer workout this morning:
Warm-Up – 50 single leg drills on each leg, 100 single leg drills on each leg, 10 minute spin in the small chain ring
Main Set – (and get this) Pyramid Intervals: 1 min sprint, 1 min spin, 2 min sprint, 1 min spin all the way to 6 min sprint, 1 min spin and back down to 1.
Cool Down – 15 min spin and 1 mile transition run
I didn’t expect a workout of this intensity this morning, but at the conclusion, dripping with sweat, I realized how ready I was for this weekend. I might not do as well as I did in Augusta, but I am sure going to give it one hell of a try.
Speaking of workouts, the off-season is coming up and my goals are to develop some leg strength that will allow me to average 24 mph on the bike comfortably, arm, core and back strength to allow me to propel in the water, run faster, and stay in the aerobars longer on the bike. I also would like to increase my flexibility to keep relieving pressure on the injury in my lower back.
Here is one of the first workouts I ever did to comeback from my back injury which helped me attain the base cardio, core and strength I have today and which has allowed me to enjoy the success I have been having. (Well, at least I think it’s success.)
Warm-up: (1 set x 10 reps)
- Walking Knee Hug
- Lateral Jumps
- Fwd Lunge w/ Overhead Reach
- Jumping Jacks
- Reverse Lunge w/ Twist
Core (3 sets x 10 reps)
- YTLI Raises
- Swiss Ball Plank
- Single Leg Glute Bridge
Strength – Supersets (3 supersets x 10 reps)
- Prisoner Squat/T- Push up
- Dumbell(DMB) Reverse Lunge/Inverted Row
- DMB Single Leg Romanian DeadLift/DMB Push Press
- DMB Lateral Lunge/Pull up
Cardio Ciruit (20 reps of each exercise x 3 rounds)
- Kettlebell Swing
- Burpee
- Squat Jump
- Shuttle Run
It’s a pretty good workout and can be done in about 45 minutes with minimum equipment obviously. As with any workout whatever you put in, you will get out and with this workout it is no different. I thought I would share it as a portion of Workout Wednesday. I will continue to bring you different workouts each week whether I get them from my past experience or from research I find. If you have any workouts you are passionate about or WODs (workout of the day) you enjoy. Feel free to submit them via the contact form and I will post them and credit you with a guest posting.
Carpe Viam!