Fantastic Friday – Race Weekend
Revolution 3 Florida 70.3 is on Sunday, and today is the day a touch of anxiety fills my senses. I have done all of this before and not too long ago, but there is a certain security to my anxiety. If I don’t feel it then there is something wrong. I expect it to build as certain events happen this weekend; athlete check-in, dropping my bike in transition, prepping my transition bag, body marking, setting up my transition and finally waiting for my heat time. Anxiety has a negative tendency to it due to all the drugs out there we have to control it, but there is a certain excitement built in as well.
Here is my typical routine for race weekend.
Friday – this is my rest day. I will not work out. I will just roll and stretch. If I am staying at the race I will try and check-in but in the weekend’s case I will be checking in on Saturday. I try to take in a little extra hydration today to start allowing my muscles to saturate with water so they are efficient on Sunday. This is the last night I’ll have salad or fiber until Sunday. I don’t want any surprises while I am on the bike or the run that will cause me to stop. I try to stay off my feet most of the day and get as much sleep as possible because I know I will not sleep much tomorrow night.
Saturday – I do try to sleep in, well, sleep in for me which means anything after 6 am. I hopefully will sleep until at least 7 am and then grab a snack and head out for a 15/15/15 workout. 15 minute Swim/Bike/Run just to get some blood to the muscles. After a hearty breakfast with plenty of water, I tend to want to get Athlete check-in completed and my bike safely placed into transition giving me the rest of the day to relax and take my mind off the race. Dinner will usually consist of lean meat or fish, a sweet potato, and possibly a vegetable like green beans, or squash, something lower in fiber. In Augusta, I had a couple glasses of wine around 5 pm and I did well because I slept a little more. I may try that again this time. After dinner, I will start putting my gear together. I will lay out everything on the floor, check to make sure I have everything by running through the race in my head. After that, I have a crazy tradition of putting a collage together with what I plan on wearing, my race bib, shoes, glasses, hat helmet and whatever and taking a picture and posting it. That is like my final step in accepting that the race is tomorrow and that I am ready for it. At that point, I make sure I have an extra bottle of water and make my way to bed to relax. I usually won’t be able to sleep until midnight or so. Even in Augusta I think it was 11:30 before the wine finally hit may and I fell asleep. In the race recap, I also mentioned the alarm didn’t go off and I overslept, so this time I am double checking my alarm and having my phone’s alarm set for 5 minutes later.
Sunday – I usually get up and shower in order to wake myself up. I also have this crazy psychosis that the productive day doesn’t start until I have a shower, so this also puts in my mind it is time to start the day. I will then probably have a good breakfast which until recently was oatmeal, but this Sunday it will be eggs and a sweet potato. I’ll put coffee in a travel mug, grab my gear and head to transition. Sunday it will be a little earlier to get started since I will have a 45-minute drive to get to the race, but I’ll enjoy the solitude of my car to go over my race strategy. I’ll park, set up my transition and head to the water. Hopefully, I’ll find the rest of the A-train and some other buddies to socialize with prior to the race which always seems to calm me down a bit.
Those are my plans for the weekend and my pre-race routine. It usually works for me and maybe it will help someone else out there who is starting in this awesome sport.